Monday, January 7, 2008

Eclipse 3.4M4 solaris-gtk-x86 Build Script for Nexenta

The following script is based on another script for compiling Eclipse 3.3 for Nexenta (solaris-gtk-x86). The build process changed slightly from version 3.3, particularly in the native compilation of the eclipse launcher. If you are curious to see what needed to change, you can diff the 3.4M4 and 3.3 scripts. I have not used Eclipse 3.4M4 extensively yet, but from some initial trials, the version I have built with this script seems to be working well. As always, if this post has been of any use, please let me know.
You should be able to drop the script into a directory that contains the, execute it, and it will decompress the archive, modify the build scripts to support nexenta with gtk on x86, and create a distibutable file in the result directory.

The script can now be downloaded from the solipse downloads page.  Be aware of the Nexenta-specific configurations for compiling the SWT libraries.

The Ganymede splash-screen on nexenta solaris-gtk-x86.
The Ganymede splash-screen on nexenta solaris-gtk-x86.

The Ganymede workbench on nexenta solaris-gtk-x86.
The Ganymede workbench on nexenta solaris-gtk-x86.

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